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COVID-19 Response : PRAN Distributed Food Gifts for Home-locked Working People in Noakhali

In response to the crisis of food shortage due to the stay home to fight infection and preventing spread of COVID-19, Development Organization Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN and Bandhan have jointly started to distribute/offer food gifts for the day laborers and low-earning people. Today (March 31th, 2020, Tuesday) morning, Shohid Ullaha Khani Sohel, Mayor of Noakhali Pourashava,  Al-Helal-Mosharaf Hosen- Principal of Noakhali Government College and Principal of Chowmuhoni Governemnt S.A. College Mr. Abul Bashar at the Noakhali Press Club Premises distributed these food gifts among 100 of families primarily.

A food-solidarity fund has been formed and raised locally in harmony with the call by Development Organization PRAN to address and respond the food crisis of the day laborer and working class people trapped home in the COVID-19 situation at present, said CEO of PRAN Mr. Nurul Alam Masud on behalf of the organizers. For each family, necessary foods of 17 kg and hygiene products will be distributed from this fund by grants from different people of the society and will be continued till the COVID-19 situation returns to normal.

The guests emphasized the necessity of maintaining personal hygiene and health protection along with the constant supply of food and hygiene products to confirm home staying preventing spread of the virus. Since no preventive vaccine or antidote has been yet invented, they urged everyone to act responsible and follow government directives on maintaining social distance and health hygiene rules as civic duty preventing the further spread of COVID-19.

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