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Traditional poverty analyses based their judgment on income and economic indicators. A human rights analysis reveals additional concerns of the poor themselves, including the phenomena of powerlessness and social exclusion. A more thorough analysis yields better responses and better results. Development is people-centered, participatory, and environmentally sound. It involves not just economic growth, but equitable distribution, enhancement of people’s capabilities, and widening of their choice. In this regard, Bangladesh is facing a lack of shared communication with the grassroots people to achieve a pluralistic, self-governed rational society. Consequently, it should be a gender-sensitive, nature-friendly, right-based community approach to raise the voiceless people’s voices. Our progress must emerge from within our cultural identity. It must relate to people’s beliefs and aspirations towards national and global justice.

Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAAN is a non-profit, non-government Public Interest organization searching for development alternatives to strengthen people’s initiative by promoting human rights, economic rights, governance, trade justice, and sustainable livelihood. PRAAN was set up by a group of civil society activists, young researchers,s, and journalists from the coastal part of Bangladesh in the year 2004 when the initiators realized that the development situation of the greater Noakhali area is lacking research, civil society activism, information technology. Rights-based organizations play an essential role in promoting the rights to development approach for sustainable livelihoods.

The organization has been carrying out several Agriculture, Climate Adaptation, Fiscal and Participatory Governance, Tax Justice, Human rights, Women empowerment, Right to Food related research and development project supported by GoB and the National, International Organization. At the same time, the organization has a very good reputation in the campaign, advocacy, and research arena at the National and Regional levels.


Will work to fight poverty through participatory action research activities followed by social actions to eradicate poverty, lack of knowledge, and Injustice.


PRAAN Envisions a poverty-free pluralist society based on knowledge and technology where everyone’s basic needs, rights and information are ensured.


Patriotism and Commitment to the National interest, Sovereignty, and National Pride:
Patriotism and our national interests will be on top of all our concerns. In every sphere, national sovereignty and pride will be given priority over the interests of groups and individuals. We will also be respectful to and promote all the good elements of our culture.

Justice, Transparency, and Accountability: We believe, the rich, poor, indigenous people, small occupational class, people with disabilities and human beings of all ages cannot be discriminated against on any ground, and all are entitled to equal justice and rights. We will remain transparent and accountable to our primary stakeholders and others concerned for the effectiveness of our work and will maintain openness in our judgments and communications.

Mutual respect and Gender Friendliness: We recognize that each person is uniquely creative and we believe in human equality. We have mutual respect both for the people and for their environment. We believe that mutual respect leads to true participation, empowerment, motivation, and commitment. PRAAN’s organizational environment will be one of respect and gender equality where everyone will be considered as human beings, not just men and women. Where necessary, we will discriminate in favor of women and girls to promote their rights.

Quality and Excellence: We will strive for the highest possible standards in our conduct and performance. This will require continual renewal and regeneration of the organization and our work. We believe that we should seek continual innovation and not be afraid of failures. To achieve quality and excellence we must be transparent and accountable, timely, cost-effective, and work in appropriate and manageable ways.

Humility and Confidence: We will always be aware of our humility to the primary stakeholders of our work and other development players. We will be respectful and tolerant to society, with various views, and creativity. To us, every human being is special with some unique quality that deserves respect. Simultaneously, based on our experience, quality and commitment we will remain confident about taking sides with the poor and marginalized people.

Respect for Diversity: We believe diversity is one of the common major characteristics in every society that paves the way for creativity. We will be respectful to the diversities with an effort to create and promote unity.

Support for Environment and Ecology: We believe for safe and healthy living good environment and ecology are indispensable. PRAAN will actively take sides with all initiatives for the protection and betterment, and against any step towards the degradation of the environment and ecology.


We will maintain and promote some aspects of the organizational culture of PRAN, and try to include more elements to our culture to play a strong role in line with our vision, mission, and values. We realize that the members of PRAN will be the key actors to achieve these. Some major aspects of our organizational culture include the following.

Family friendliness: We will remain a family friendly organization for our members of staff, volunteers, governance, and programme participants. Efforts will continue to extend help of one to the other to overcome any problem in one’s family and, at the same time, we will share the happy times of everyone in relevant cases.

Being responsible and accountable: In all spheres – both inside and outside the organization – we will act responsibly and will remain accountable downwards (e.g. to the primary stakeholders), laterally (e.g. to our partners) and upwards (e.g. to our donors / funding agencies and the Government). We will help each other in the organization to be responsible and accountable.

Cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency: We will maintain our attention to cost-effectiveness in all expenditures particularly the ones for the organization so that we can spend the maximum amount of resources directly for the programmes. In programme implementation we always try to be cost-efficient to give maximum services to our primary stakeholders with minimum resources. These will also help us gradually reduce dependency on donors and create sustainable impact in the lives of the poor and marginalized.

Constructive criticism and promotion of organizational profile: For all strategies, views and position of the organization and its members, PRAN will always encourage constructive criticism to get the best approach for its fight against poverty and marginalization. While being critical in the organization, all members will do their best to raise the profile of the organization in every activity and representation.

Peaceful co-existence of different race, religion and class: Over time, we have been able to create an environment in the organization that ensures peaceful co-existence of different race, religion and class (including occupational class). Everyone’s view is respected and an objective judgment is given to all. PRAN has been able to promote this cultural aspect among many of its primary stakeholder groups as well. These elements of our culture will be maintained and promoted.


  • Develop alternative leadership at each level of the organization.
  • Develop human resources.
  • Ensure transparency and accountability at all levels.
  • Develop and implement appropriate systems in the organization.


  1. We are a rights-based organization working with diverse stakeholders; Primary stakeholders are small and marginalized smallholders, vulnerable communities, young peoples, women, policy makers and civil society groups.
  2.  Secondary stakeholders are Local elected bodies (LEBs), Upazila and District level Administrators, NGOs, Farmers’ movements, IFIs, and Media.